Sunday, June 22, 2008

Aleteo de tiburon en Mexico / Shark finning boats in Mexico !!

Arriba Mexico !!
Esta fotos fueron tomadas cerca del Archipielago de las Islas Revillagigedos, en Febrero 2008.
Muestran un barco pesca mexicano matriculado en Mazatlan con un importante cargamento de aletas de tiburon secando en su cubierta.
Estos barcos estan pescando en una zona supuestamente protegida de Mexico. Ademas, estas aletas estan destinadas al mercado asiatico. Estas practicas de pesca estan acabando con los tiburones, para complacer el gusto de los chinitos por las aletas de tiburon, supuestamente afrodisiacas....
Mexico tiene mucho mas interes en proteger sus islas oceanicas - y transformarlas en sanctuarios naturales...lo hizo muy bien con las ballenas, no veo porque no se podria conseguir tambien para los tiburones y manta rayas del Pacifico...
Gracias por difundir esta informacion.

Hola !!
These shots were made in Feb 2008, close to the Revillagigedos islands in Mexico, the islands 500 miles off the Baja peninsula south tip.
they show a Mexican registered fishing boat whose deck is totally covered with shark fins.On one of the picture, you can see the island of San Benedicto, part of the Revillagigedos Archipielago.
These boats are fishing in a supposedly protected area. Plus, these fins are caught for the sole purpose of the Asian market. These fishing techniques are putting an end to the survival of the shark population in the oceans, with the objective to satisfy the appetite of the Chinese, who still beleive sharks fins are aphrodisiac...
Mexico has a lot of interest into protecting its off shore islands, it is not an easy task but they must transform them in marine sanctuaries.... Mexico has done a great job protecting the whales, and their sanctuaries...why not do the same effort to protect the sharks and the manta rays of the Pacific as well ??
Please show your friends these images...and recommend them to watch the movie SHARWATER, recently released.

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