Sunday, June 29, 2008

Juin 2008, a bordo del Mar Viva / Oceana

Hola !!
Estoy de regreso chambeando en el mar Mediterraneo, a bordo del nuevo barco expedicion de la ONG Oceana...Trabajo de coordinador de buceo a bordo, y estamos navegando en la parte occidental del Mar Mediterraneo a bordo del barco Mar Viva Med, un buque de 46 metros de eslora...La ONG se dedica a la proteccion de los oceanos y mares, y trabaja en temas de conservacion ambiental : Aqui en esta parte del Mediterraneo, documentamos los fondos marinos y tambien las actividades de pesca....
En esta foto, nos preparamos con mi companero Alberto a un buceo en las aguas de Malta.
No deje de visitar la pagina web : click en Europa, aboard Mar Viva Med

Hola !
I am back in the the Mediterranean Sea, working for the conservation group Oceana, onboard their new research vessel Mar Viva Med, a 150 feet vessel. As a dive coordinator, I have to organize the diving activities onboard the vessel...At the moment, we are sailing in the Western part of the Mediterranean Sea, around Malta.
this Conservation group is working on the protection of the oceans, and focus on conservation activities. In this part of the Mediterranean Sea, we document the underwater reefs, the effects of human presence on the sea, and also the fishing activities happening here, especially the tuna fishing business...
On this shot, we are getting ready to dive with my buddy Alberto in the waters of Malta.
Check out the web page for more infos : click to Europe Onboard the MarViva Med

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